Compare Georgetown Home Insurance Rates


Average Homeowner Insurance Rates for Georgetown, Texas

Average Annual Insurance Rate

The Cheapest Homeowner Insurance Rates for Georgetown, Texas

Provider Annual Insurance Rate
American Mercury $835
Nationwide $1082
Texas Farm Bureau $1103
Allied Property and Casualty $1112
Republic Lloyds $1148
United Propoerty and Casualty $1253
National Surety $1270
Travelers Insurance $1287
AMICA $1440
Esureance $1499

The Most Popular Home Insurance Providers in Georgetown, Texas

Provider Annual Insurance Rate
Liberty Insurance $3223
Nationwide $1082
State Farm $1964
Texas Farmers Insurance $1431

Does credit score affect Georgetown home insurance rates?

Credit Score Average Annual Insurance Rate
bad $2121
average $1691
good $1472
Yes! Your credit rating can impact the price you pay for Georgetown homeowners Insurance up to $649 per year. Our analysis shows Georgetown home insurance shoppers with poor credit will pay up to 44% higher rates than shoppers with good credit. Poor credit shoppers will pay rates that are 29% higher than people with average credit and average credit rate shoppers will pay 15% higher rates than shoppers with good credit.

Does Building Construction affect Georgetown home insurance rates?

Construction Type Average Annual Insurance Rate
frame $1456
Stucco/Hardie $1357
Brick Veneer $1317
Your home construction style may also impact the price you pay for Georgetown homeowners Insurance up to $139 per year. Georgetown home insurance shoppers with frame style construction pay up to 11% higher rates than homes made with brick while homeowners with homes constructed with Stucco or Hardieboard will pay 3% higher rates than homes made with Brick Veneer.

Is homeowners insurance higher for older homes in Georgetown?

Residence Age Average Annual Insurance Rate
1 Year(s) Old $992
10 Year(s) Old $1317
35 Year(s) Old $1517
Your home age impacts the price you pay for Georgetown homeowners Insurance up to $525 per year. Georgetown home insurance shoppers with older homes pay 53% higher rates than new homes while homeowners with homes less than 30 years old will pay 33% higher rates than new construction homes.